Saturday 2 November 2024 (10:00 -13:00)
Meditation Hall
The most difficult times for many of us are the ones we give ourselves. Yet it’s never too late or too early to practice loving-kindness. It’s as if we had a terminal disease but might live for quite a while. Not knowing how much time we have left, we might begin to think it was important to make friends with ourselves and others in the remaining hours, months, or years. - Pema Chödron from When Things Fall Apart
When we experience fear and anxiety we may find ourselves shutting down or being resentful. Our desire to run away, to deaden, or to entertain ourselves may seem like our only means of escape. Meditation is an opportunity to soften and see more clearly, to not be carried away by hope and fear. We begin to see how often our desire is to run and hide and we begin to develop a genuine friendliness towards ourselves.
If you are new to meditation, you are invited to join us in a gentle introduction to this profound practice. If you already practice meditation, this is an opportunity to join with others and spend some time strengthening your practice.
Online registration
Please register for this program by clicking on the "Register Now" button below.
Generosity policy: If you cannot afford to pay the full program fee, see our generosity policy.