Mid-Week Reset Meditation (Online)

with Janet Parks & Janet Pal

August 14th

Date details +
    Room: Online

    Please join us online for a "Mid-Week Reset" meditation opportunity,
    Wednesdays from 12:00pm-12:30pm.
    The 30-minute lightly guided practice session is suitable for new and experienced meditators.

    It will include:
    * Arrival practice and check-in
    * Body scan practice
    * Shamatha practice (breath meditation)
    * Closing and checkout

    The Zoom Room will open by 11:55 am so that you can get settled as the session will start promptly at 12 noon.  If you’re running late, still feel free to join-in as you can. Facilitators will stay online from 12:30-12:45 pm to allow an opportunity to respond to your questions, and to support your practice as needed.

    There is no need to register. All are welcome.


    Meeting ID: 850 8644 8398
    Password: wednesday

    To connect by phone, please dial 
    +1 647 558 0588 Canada
    Meeting ID: 883 4338 4157
    Password: 368813